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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Create Graph Data Science Graph from APOC Graph

I would like to run some graph data science algorithms on a sub spanning tree of nodes and relations of a larger graph. To get the spanning tree, I use the APOC library. MATCH (e:Entity) WHERE in ["foo", "bar"] # some property condition C...

Resolved! How to find intersections

**Consider hotels in pune. Some hotels provide lodging facilities whereas some provide only restaurant facilities and some provide both. Query is List the names of hotels having both lodging and restaurant facility

Loading plugins into neo4j desktop

I have been using neo4j desktop 4.2.1 on Linux with APOC and GDS plugins. I managed to load APOC and GDS plugins for one of my database projects, and they have been working well. But I would like to clone that project and access the plugins with t...

Resolved! Load CSV with multiple relations one on the same two nodes

I actually wish to load csv file in a way that limit number of nodes but multiple relations. for example I have only 1 subject and let's say 2 objects, between the subject and objects, I have multiple types of relations, so maybe my file looks like t...

oli by Graph Buddy
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How to separate data

There is a same type of node for each group and I created an index on 'id' of that node. But the nodes in each group are totally separated and no usage of sharing them. So I'm wondering which one is good to create indices. create one index for all no...

Escape characters in String in cypher statement

Dear Team, I am facing some challenges while trying to call multiple apoc procedure within one another. call apoc.custom.asProcedure('RIL_ODU_PATH_TERMINATION_V1', 'call apoc.bolt.execute("bolt://user:password@", "match (a:inventoryO...

nitinjkt by Node Link
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Help optimize query

I am using Neo4j for analyzing LDAP servers, and would appreciate some help / feedback on the data model as well as the query for building relationships. Currently, I am creating nodes for each LDAP entry with a label equal to its objectClass attribu...

APOC and manual indexes

I'm trying to migrate to APOC and right now don't know how to rewrite the following constructions: session.query("CALL apoc.index.list() YIELD name CALL apoc.index.remove(name) YIELD name AS removedIndexName RETURN removedIndexName", new Hash...

How to use Apriori's results into Neo4j

im new to Neo4j and i would like to know if there is any tutorial or sample code that can convert results from Apriori algorithms into data that Neo4j can use? Please advise.

ckwee by Node
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Bloom location

Hi, If my nodes have x, y properties, how can I set my nodes at these coordinates ? moueza

Builiding Career path recommendation

Hello can I build a career path recommendation using neo4j. The model should take requirements and properties of user and should output the recommended career for the users. I am new to neo4j. If it is possible it will be of much help. Thanks

Resolved! Enabling remote backup on GCE

@david.allen, I would like to know, if I want the remote backup to be enabled on my google cloud launcher VM, I should be only editing neo4j.templete file with following By default the backup service will only listen on localhost. To enable remote ba...

tharshy by Node Link
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How to connect to a neo4j instance, using Neovis?

Hi all, I am quite new to Neovis and Neo4j. I have been working on Neo4j desktop and found out about Neovis. I am trying to Visualize a graph which I developed in Neo4j desktop. While trying to visualize it on Neovis I have a few doubts on, how to co...