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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Type casting between storable and virtual

Run this to get a list of all internal Ids for all nodes with label itemA: match(a:itemA) with collect(id(a)) as IdList merge (c:cache) set c.IdList = IdList Then run this to try and retrieve all nodes with label itemA, whose internal Id is in the li...

Bypass 10000 node limit in Bloom / Neo4j Desktop

Hey, I have some data that has quite a bit more than 10000 nodes and would like to display a certain relationship in full to get the full picture Unfortunately Bloom limits the nodes to 10'000 max. I am aware that this is done for performance reason ...

Tommy by Node
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Free Aura database put into pause - when being used

Hi Guys, I got the message "We’re updating the functionality of the Aura service to auto pause Aura Free instances that have not been used recently" However the DB is is constant use / yet was put into Pause - but we do not log into the website/con...

jeremy2 by Node Link
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Neo4j hanging on CALL dbms.listQueries()

I am running the 4.3.5 Community Edition Docker image. The database seems to be hanging and refusing to process any queries. I tried to run CALL dbms.listQueries() from the web interface, but this too doesn't return. Here is an excerpt from the debug...

adi by Node
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How can I manage users on Bloom?

Hi, I'm using now Neo4j Bloom on Desktop. I thought that as long as I set the user authentication in the Browser, it would be reflected in Bloom. But it is not correct. How to set the user authentication? For example, User A have admin role so he can...

Resolved! Add relationship by hand with Neo4j ETL

Hi all, I'm started to try Neo4j ETL from Neo4j Desktop. I've successfully imported source tables from MariaDB, but no relationship is generated. I looked around Neo4j Desktop UI(drag, right-click, and so on...), but cannot find any suggestions for c...

m-kiuchi by Node Clone
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Connecting Neo4j to Tableau Error - apoc.meta.nodeTypeProperties is unavailable because it is sandboxed and has dependencies outside of the sandbox

Hello Everybody, I have a db in Neo4j created in a remote Neo4j Server. When I try to connect it to Tableau using the BI connector, I have the following error I've found a similar topic with a proposed solution (CALL apoc.meta.stats() is not availa...


PopotoJs Neo4J Connection

I am developing an application with PopotoJS & Neo4J . I need to connect to the Neo4JDB but REST APIs are not enabled in the company. Is there any way to connect using BOLT url in popotojs ? When I used Bolt url I got the CORS error. Any help is appr...