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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Resolved! Fail to preallocate additional space for store file

Strange error in debug log. Caused by: org.neo4j.exceptions.UnderlyingStorageException: Fail to preallocate additional space for store file at: neostore.relationshipstore.db. Requested file size: 2550136832. Call error: ErrorCode...

kcw by Node Link
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AuraDB Storage Usage 100% despite removing nodes

Hello, I am using AuraDB Professional and we have been using the monitoring metrics to monitor our db size. At a certain point last week, we were at 98% of storage usage on a 64gb usage with (~170milliion nodes) so we pushed up a code change to remo...

eric7 by Node
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Natural Language query to Cypher

I want some tool where I can post the query in Natural Language (say English) and it will get converted to Cypher and get executed in Neo4j to retrieve the results. Can anyone please guide me with this if there is any tool available or else how can ...

Resolved! Strange query error

Neo4j community server 4.4.5 on Ubuntu 20.04 - browser I have the following query. The idea is to create all relationships between nodes and to signal all the missing relationship making them pointing to a fake node. The query returns the following e...

How to delete/create databases in Neo4j?

My test environment is as below version : community 4.35 OS : CentOS 7 I am currently using neo4j single db because of community version. How to delete/create databases in Neo4j? I know of course to delete relationships and nodes by cypher, but that ...

Neo4j Import tools slow ingestion

I am trying to ingest large data (around a billion nodes and relations) using the neo4j import tool but the ingestion gradually slows down with time. It quickly ingests the first 100 million nodes after which it becomes increasingly slow. I've found ...


Resolved! Exhaustive query optimization

Hi everyone, I have a query like this: WITH event AS data MERGE (i:Individual {id:}) SET i.corporateTitleEnumId = data.corporateTitleEnumId, i.costCenter = data.costCenter, i.department = data.department, i.externalId = data.externalId, i.ema...

Merging nodes from CSV

I have a long list of uuids for nodes I know to be the same stored in a csv (uuid1 and uuid2). When I use the following simple query, it only yields the result for the first row and does not continue on with the rest of the sheet. Any ideas? LOAD CSV...

mkretsch by Node Clone
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