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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Resolved! Unable to see some APOC Load functions

Dear all, I am following this tutorial: However, when I try to call apoc.load.html, I get below error  There is no procedure with the name `apoc.load.html` registere...

Chuong by Node
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Constraint to prevent certain relations

Hi,please consider the following graph: CREATE (n0:Person {name: "Jack"})-[:ALLIED_WITH]->(n4:Person {name: "Theo"})-[:ENEMY_OF]->(n3:Person {name: "Paul"})<-[:PARTNER_OF]-(:Person {name: "Jim"})-[:ALLIED_WITH]->(n1:Person {name: "Mark"})-[:PARTNER_O...

masavini by Node Link
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Resolved! Number of Relationship properties

I'm simulating an optical fiber network using python and neo4j community version (docker) and need to assign many properties to the relationships between nodes. It seems there's a limitation on the number of relationship properties. I even tried out ...

How to query chain relationships in Neo4j

Hi Everyone,I'm new to Neo4j and I'm working on poc where there are multiple services that can read and write to each other and modeled with <CAN_READ_FROM(INCOMING):CAN_WRITE_TO(OUTGOING)> directed relationships as shown in the image below. Now I wa...


Best approach for multi-language data?

Hi all, I'm currently building my first webapp with Neo4j (GRAND stack). I'm trying to implement multi-language data and wondering what the best/ recommended approach is. One approach would be to include multiple fields on each node, eg: en_size, fr_...

ciaran by Node
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Resolved! Split path into two maps

Hello. I have graph:   CREATE (a:Item {id: '1'}), (b:Item {id: '2'}), (c:Item {id: '3'}), (d:Item {id: '4'}), (e:Item {id: '5'}) MATCH (a:Item {id: '5'}), (b:Item {id: '4'}) CREATE (a)-[r:RELATED_TO {type: 'type1'}]->(b) MATCH (a:Item {id: '4}), (b...

Which query is more expensive?

My graph is a tree consisting of nodes with the label of "Entity". Entities are related via a CHILD_OF relationship. So each Entity has an outgoing CHILD_OF relationship with it's parent Entity. Furthermore, each Entity has one or more nodes with the...

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Embedded Neo4j visualization

Hi, I'm searching for a solution to visualize my graph with JAVA. I'm not seaching for an complet solution.  I started with JUNG. Its works. But JUNG has some disadvantages.

neo4j won't start; new installation

Followed install steps and tried to start the service and it fails     Jan 13 12:32:16 neo4j[7031]: 2023-01-13 17:32:16.821+0000 INFO Starting... Jan 13 12:32:18 neo4j[7031]: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /var/lib/neo4...

ecb by Node
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Resolved! Get Nodes from Embedded Neo4j

Hi, complete new in this topic. I got a project wich creates a Java Neo4j db. With the folder data, logs and sub folder database and transactions.  These Project is using the 4.* Neo4j Libraries to store the data. With this mentioned dependencies, im...

Custom GDS methods

Hey, everyone! I'm starting using Graph Data Science methods but it looks like this library has solutions for a very small amount of problems For example, a very simple idea: we have an oriented graph with spreading illness, so that the closer and th...

Alexx by Node Link
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