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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Find graphs with broken parent/child relationship

Hi there. Trying to formalize my issue and find the direction to the solution. I have many graphs of parent/child relationships. In a VALID graph: Child node has only one parent (HAS_PARENT relation)Parent node can have multiple children (HAS_CHILDS ...

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Saving the project , queries and rerunning

Hello, I am new to Neo4j platform - Desktop. I was able to import data and create some cypher queries. Can someone help me on this ? Where can I see my imported data in Neo4j ?How can I save the queries ,rerun it in my project and may be share my pro...

Calling gds.pagerank.write for a nodequery

I am a newbie. I am a faculty and NWU and we have a StreamingAnalytics course where we walk students through a couple lessons on Neo4J. We have a retail example that we use to walk students through links, relationships. One of the exercises uses gds....


Project graph inspection

Hi, Is there any method for inspecting the output of GDS projections (within the community edition where querying projection graphs isn't possible)? So I am attempting to use gds.graph.list(). The underlying metadata regarding the graph seems very in...

Eigenvector centrality failing

Hello! I just started my journey with neo4j. In one of my tasks I was supposed to run the eigenvector centrality algorithm however that process failed. There seems to be a problem with the size of the number, i.e. the amount of decimals (screenshot o...


Extremely degraded LOAD CSV query!

I'm suddenly seeing EXTREMELY slow times for LOAD CSV queries that have been fine and fast for months. I'm using neo4j-enterprise v4.4.6 on an AWS EC2 instance running a current Rocky Linux system. According to "SHOW INDEXES", the database in questio...

tms by Graph Buddy
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