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02-06-2020 04:51 PM
Neo4j Community Edition is running on Ec2 instance. I am looking to upload data from S3. I came across articles that told me to do "aws s3 presign .." and then I can use the output link to upload the data. But I want to know how can we automate this process. Please suggest me on this.
Other question I have is, what is the best way to upload large amount of CSV files from S3 onto Neo4j. I am right now doing apoc.load.csv to get each file with many MERGE commands in the loading operation. Should I create different CSV files for Nodes and relationships? Please suggest. Thanks in advance.
02-07-2020 12:02 PM
Which part of the process did you want to automate? The S3 upload and configuration? Or the neo4j db build.
By far the fastest way to load data into neo4j is to use the bulk loader
However, please note that the bulk loader cannot be used to add new data to an existing neo4j database, it can only build a new database from scratch. The bulk loader takes node and edge files (e.g. csv/tsv) as input, and they can be compressed files (e.g. node.tsv.gz).
I am building graphs from a collection of parquet files, so I was able to build an automated workflow that creates the bulk load files (e.g. header files with the correct type assignments), and automatically create the script file to execute with the neo4j-admin command line with all parameters (lengthy if you have a lot of nodes and edge files).
Note: I'm running multiple Neo inside docker containers on an EC2 instance.
If you must add to an existing neo4j, in order of increasing complexity, some options I'm familiar with are
When adding collections of edges/nodes which would add a significant percentage of new nodes/edges to a database it can be faster to rebuild from scratch than to add them. In my experience it has always been faster. The bulk loader is lightning fast in comparison to load csv.
05-07-2020 12:45 AM
Joel, I'm curious what your approach for automated loading of data into Neo4j from within the Docker container when it's started. Does your script use sleep command or take into account the startup time before importing into the db? I have been looking for a good way to do this.
05-07-2020 08:53 AM
Hi gclindsey,
High level process (no neo4j related installations on the host, only docker)
There are times when the script needs to wait for neo4j to be ready, so I borrowed a script to wait for neo4j but it didn't work, I borrowed another it failed as well. I suspect you have experienced this as well, many techniques we can find online to check if neo4j is ready don't work reliably. For a while I tried to resort to sleep as well (after checks), but any reasonable wait time will fail on you too, eventually. Over time, I've tried waiting inside the container, and outside, it seems to be a bit of a challenge. port test, web server response test, all can pass, but neo4j is not ready yet.
NOTE: If I recall correctly even this approach may have failed a few rare times, maybe this query can work before everything is fully functional? I'm still on the look out for a better way.
For now I've resorted to what feels like a heavy test, but a test that I hoped would be reliable, I try to run a cypher query repeatedly until it works. I use the script like this
# wait for ephemeral neo4j to go fully online before proceeding
# note: ephemeral is always on the default port
./wait4bolt_outside ${EPHEMERALCONTAINER} ${NEO_BOLT}
--- script file ---
echo "wait for neo4j bolt to respond at port $1"
if [ -z ${CONTAINER} ] || [ -z ${PORT} ]
echo "Usage:"
echo " wait4bolt_outside docker_container port"
echo " e.g. wait4bolt_outside neo_ag 7687"
exit 1
# this returns before server is ready
# curl -i${PORT} 2>&1 | grep -c -e '200 OK' || break
# try an actual query as test?
docker exec -t \
bash -c "until echo 'match (n) return count(n);' | bin/cypher-shell -a bolt://localhost:${PORT}; do echo $? ; sleep 1; done"
echo 'neo4j online!'
--- script file ---
Note: If there was a simple light weight way to test if neo4j is ready and usable, I'd setup the --health-cmd like I do on the database dockers, but for now I run neo4j dockers without a --health-cmd
05-07-2020 09:03 PM
Hey Joel thanks for the information. My challenge has been invoking a command to automatically run a cypher script from within the new instance that contains a LOAD CSV statement and it has to wait for Neo4j to start up when the container is launched. I might need to reprocess the CSV so that a different tool like neo4j-admin import
. Trying different stuff for now.
Perhaps you've seen these already but they sound similar to your case:
05-20-2021 09:35 AM
Hi Joel,
How were you able to automate the execution of the neo4j-admin commands? I was googling around and searching this forum for the answer to my question. Based on the quote above, I think you may have the answer to my question.
You also state that,
When adding collections of edges/nodes which would add a significant percentage of new nodes/edges to a database it can be faster to rebuild from scratch than to add them. In my experience it has always been faster. The bulk loader is lightning fast in comparison to load csv.
Now that my database has grown to include 500,000,000 relationships, I am finding this to be completely true and accurate. I've detailed my struggle here:
02-07-2020 12:37 PM
Thank you for the reply.
I am looking to automate the process where I do "aws s3 presign file_link". This will give me a new link which I should use in the load command to upload the data. Is there a way to automate this process rather than doing "aws s3 presign file_link" manually for each file and then uploading the data.
Also, I need to mutate the existing graph multiple times a day. So as per your information about the import, I will not be able to use this. Right now I am using apoc.load.csv to upload the data.
Please let me know if there is anyway to automate the above mentioned process.
02-10-2020 09:16 AM
You can use this Python ingest utility to load data from S3, URL or local from CSV or JSON files.
This is a simple utility me and my colleague built to help us ingesting large amounts of data.
05-20-2021 11:52 AM
Regarding the update challenge, if you are trying to do one bulk update per day, you might try switching over to making small changes as they occur through out the day. Trickle updating might be more performant. I'd also avoid committing large transactions either way.
You asked about " automate the execution of the neo4j-admin commands? ", a cron script programmatically creates a script (from snippets, adding the part that is dynamic), then it runs the script (a bash script in my case)
05-29-2021 11:34 AM
I am trying to use neo4j-admin import with signed s3 urls for the node files. Is it documented somewhere how to do this? The urls themselves have been tested in a browser and resolve properly. If I have the files locally ( not in s3 ) the command will run but if I use the signed s3 urls instead, neo4j-admin import command does not parse the urls properly.
Given an error like this:
Invalid value for option '--nodes' at index 0 ([<label>[:<label>]...=]<files>): Invalid nodes file: https://mutualmarkets-development.s3.amazonaws.com/etl-pipline/prepared/iva/SKiQVn/csv/Show/iva-show-200-300_headers.csv?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAZGQ4RUHNHAD5ZCV5&Expires=1622398364&Signature=p1r5S90N1XbDw4uhqxQeFdZEnVY%3D,https://mutualmarkets-development.s3.amazonaws.com/etl-pipline/prepared/iva/SKiQVn/csv/Show/iva-show-0-100.csv?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAZGQ4RUHNHAD5ZXX5&Expires=1622398392&Signature=QnVt%2FJvcn%2BcN8QtIzClL9njDDrU%3D (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: File 'AKIAZGQ4RUHNHAD5ZXX5&Expires=1622398364&Signature=p1r5S90N1XbDw4uhqxQeFdZEnVY%3D' doesn't exist)
06-01-2021 05:12 PM
I've not tried that myself, I wonder if it can accept http addresses for the files, if yes, then usually it is an escaped character related issue, given or in processing somewhere. (in my experience...)
You could sync the files local and then use them, right?
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