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An approach to parsing the query.log

When one has enabled query.log through Neo4j Enterprise parameter
the included bash shell script can be used to quickly parse the log and identify the top 10 most expensive queries based upon total execution time and if one has enabled
then the top 10 most expensive queries based upon planning, cpu and waiting time will also be reported.

The bash shell script is as follows:

# Copyright (c) 2002-2018 "Neo Technology,"
# Network Engine for Objects in Lund AB []
# This file is a commercial add-on to Neo4j Enterprise Edition.

# only parse those lines where the 3rd field is 'INFO'
# count total number of lines in query.log which report INFO in the 3rd field

parse() {
if [ -e $logfile ]; then
    # log file exits
    awk '$3== "INFO" {print "First Query Reported at: " $1 " " $2}' $logfile | head -1
    awk '$3== "INFO" {print " Last Query Reported at: " $1 " " $2}' $logfile | tail -1

    awk '$3== "INFO" {count++;  total=total+$4 } END{print "\n*******EXECUTION:******* \nTotal # of Completed Queries: " count "\n       Total Duration (msec): " total "\n   Avg of all Queries (msec): " total/count "\n" }' $logfile

    # print longest query
    printf "Top 10 Longest Queries longest on top and leading line number: \n"
    printf "Note: Queries which are multi-line will only report first line of query !!!\n\n\n"
    awk '$3== "INFO" {print "line:" NR "\t" $0}' $logfile | sort -n -r -k 5 | head -10

    pcw=`grep "INFO" $logfile | grep "(planning:" | head -1`
    if [ ! -z "$pcw" ]; then
          # only enter this block if conf/neo4j.conf has
          #     dbms.logs.query.time_logging_enabled=true
          # which thus causes field 6 to appear as `(planning:...........`
          # produce metrics on planning, CPU and waiting
          awk '$3== "INFO" && $6== "(planning:" {count++;  total=total+$7 } $7== "0," {planzero++;} END{print "\n\t\t*******PLANNING:******* \n Total # of Completed Queries: " count "\n        Total Duration (msec): " total "\n    Avg of all Queries (msec): " total/count "\nNumber of Queries NOT Planned: " planzero "    " (planzero/count)*100 "%\n" }' $logfile

          # print longest query
          awk '$3== "INFO" {print "line:" NR "\t" $0}' $logfile | sort -n -r -k 8 | head -10

          awk '$3== "INFO" && $8== "cpu:" {count++;  total=total+$9 } END{print "\n\t\t*******CPU:******* \nTotal # of Completed Queries: " count "\n       Total Duration (msec): " total "\n   Avg of all Queries (msec): " total/count "\n" }' $logfile
awk '$3== "INFO" {print "line:" NR "\t" $0}' $logfile | sort -n -r -k 10 | head -10

          awk '$3== "INFO" &&$10== "waiting:" {count++;  total=total+$11 } $11== "0)" {nowait++;} END{print "\n\t\t\t*******WAITING:******* \n Total # of Completed Queries: " count "\n        Total Duration (msec): " total "\n    Avg of all Queries (msec): " total/count "\nNumber of Queries NOT Waiting: " nowait "      " (nowait/count)*100 "%\n" }' $logfile
awk '$3== "INFO" {print "line:" NR "\t" $0}' $logfile | sort -n -r -k 12 | head -10
    # logfile does not exist
    printf "\n$logfile does not exist\n"
    printf "Usage: $0 <filename>\n"

if [ -z $1 ]; then
        parse "query.log"
        parse $1

Upon running the script and passing the query.log file to be analyzed, for example ./ query.log output will be similar to

  1. when dbms.logs.query.time_logging_enabled=false
First Query Reported at: 2018-04-10 11:48:36.425+0000
 Last Query Reported at: 2018-04-10 11:49:01.213+0000

Total # of Completed Queries: 6
       Total Duration (msec): 2521
   Avg of all Queries (msec): 420.167

Top 10 Longest Queries longest on top and leading line number:
Note: Queries which are multi-line will only report first line of query !!!

line:1  2018-04-10 11:48:36.425+0000 INFO  2398 ms: embedded-session             - MATCH (a:` Arbitrary label name that really doesn't matter `) RETURN a LIMIT 0 - {} - {}
line:2  2018-04-10 11:48:37.106+0000 INFO  48 ms: bolt-session  bolt            neo4j-java/dev          client/  server/>   - RETURN 1 - {} - {}
line:3  2018-04-10 11:48:43.839+0000 INFO  33 ms: bolt-session  bolt            neo4j-java/dev          client/  server/>   - match (n) return count(n); - {} - {}
line:9  2018-04-10 11:49:01.213+0000 INFO  21 ms: bolt-session  bolt            neo4j-java/dev          client/  server/>   -
line:4  2018-04-10 11:48:47.494+0000 INFO  12 ms: bolt-session  bolt            neo4j-java/dev          client/  server/>   -
line:6  2018-04-10 11:48:51.613+0000 INFO  9 ms: bolt-session   bolt            neo4j-java/dev          client/  server/>   -
  1. when dbms.logs.query.time_logging_enabled=true

(Note: the listing of 10 queries per section has been reduced to 2 lines for brevity. Additonally the Cypher of the query has been reduced)

First Query Reported at: 2018-01-24 07:58:13.360+0000
 Last Query Reported at: 2018-01-24 15:19:40.897+0000

Total # of Completed Queries: 13655
       Total Duration (msec): 1207191
   Avg of all Queries (msec): 88.4065

Top 10 Longest Queries longest on top and leading line number:
Note: Queries which are multi-line will only report first line of query !!!

line:12100      2018-01-24 08:49:14.144+0000 INFO  10082 ms: (planning: 0, cpu: 81, waiting: 0) - bolt-session  bolt    neo4j   neo4j-java/1.4.2-45c2930bc28fac23dda088b300977b804fedf8bb              client/    server/>        neo4j - MATCH (n:Person............) 
line:58883      2018-01-24 12:28:17.472+0000 INFO  2530 ms: (planning: 313, cpu: 2520, waiting: 0) - bolt-session       bolt    neo4j   neo4j-java/1.4.2-45c2930bc28fac23dda088b300977b804fedf8bb              client/        server/>        neo4j -  MATCH (n:Person)

 Total # of Completed Queries: 13655
        Total Duration (msec): 8798
    Avg of all Queries (msec): 0.644306
Number of Queries NOT Planned: 11448    83.8374%

line:37438      2018-01-24 10:43:28.532+0000 INFO  2255 ms: (planning: 991, cpu: 2239, waiting: 0) - bolt-session       bolt    neo4j   neo4j-java/1.4.2-45c2930bc28fac23dda088b300977b804fedf8bb              client/      server/>        neo4j -  MATCH (n:Person...............)
line:89641      2018-01-24 15:13:42.191+0000 INFO  513 ms: (planning: 409, cpu: 510, waiting: 0) - bolt-session bolt    neo4j   neo4j-java/1.4.2-45c2930bc28fac23dda088b300977b804fedf8bb              client/       server/>        neo4j - MATCH (n:Person...........) {}

Total # of Completed Queries: 13655
       Total Duration (msec): 1194341
   Avg of all Queries (msec): 87.4655

line:58883      2018-01-24 12:28:17.472+0000 INFO  2530 ms: (planning: 313, cpu: 2520, waiting: 0) - bolt-session       bolt    neo4j   neo4j-java/1.4.2-45c2930bc28fac23dda088b300977b804fedf8bb              client/        server/>       neo4j -  MATCH (n:Person .......)
line:386        2018-01-24 07:59:54.851+0000 INFO  2359 ms: (planning: 256, cpu: 2350, waiting: 0) - bolt-session       bolt    neo4j   neo4j-java/1.4.2-45c2930bc28fac23dda088b300977b804fedf8bb              client/        server/>        neo4j -  MATCH (n:Person {.......})

 Total # of Completed Queries: 13655
        Total Duration (msec): 27
    Avg of all Queries (msec): 0.0019773
Number of Queries NOT Waiting: 13654      99.9927%

line:81         2018-01-24 07:58:33.168+0000 INFO  67 ms: (planning: 0, cpu: 67, waiting: 27) - bolt-session    bolt    neo4j   neo4j-java/1.4.2-45c2930bc28fac23dda088b300977b804fedf8bb              client/        server/>        neo4j -  MATCH (n:Person) return n:Deleted
line:9991       2018-01-24 08:40:16.476+0000 INFO  74 ms: (planning: 0, cpu: 74, waiting: 0) - bolt-session     bolt    neo4j   neo4j-java/1.4.2-45c2930bc28fac23dda088b300977b804fedf8bb              client/        server/>        neo4j -  MATCH (n:Person..............)

From the output of the 2nd run we see that the log spans First Query Reported at: 2018-01-24 07:58:13.360+0000 through
Last Query Reported at: 2018-01-24 15:19:40.897+0000.
The script then reports that we found Total # of Completed Queries: 13655 and then provide a listing of the Top 10 most expensive
queries based upon Total/Avg Exection time, Total/Avg Time Planning, Total/Avg Time CPU and Total/Avg Time Waiting.
Additionally from the output we can see that 'query planning' is not a significant issue as
Number of Queries NOT Planned: 11448 83.8374% indicating 83.8374% of queries were satisfied from the query plan cache.
Finally, 'locking' is not a concern as Number of Queries NOT Waiting: 13654 99.9927%
indicating 99.9927% of all queries spent no time in a 'waiting' state.

Note: There are certain 'caveats' to the script.

  • The above script will report the line number of the query in the log file for those queries that meet any of the 'Top 10'
    results. However if a query is multi-line including carriage returns, only the first line of the query is displayed. One would
    need to read the query.log at the spcific line number to fully understand the query in question.

  • Times reported can be inflated if run against a query.log which is immediately after a cold start of Neo4j. This is as a result of
    queries not being in the query plan cache or the pagecache.

  • One can configure query.log logging to only log queries longer than X duration through parameter dbms.logs.query.threshold. If
    you set to 0 then everything is logged. If you set to 2s then only queries longer than 2 seconds will be logged and this will
    effect the results above.


Hi, I am trying to find out where is the time taken for a particular query.

My first query which I expect to be slow
takes 8303ms with planning 161, cpu 2169.

2021-02-22 00:23:04.958+0000 INFO 8303 ms: (planning: 161, cpu: 2169, waiting: 0) - 2128090 page hits, 0 page faults - bolt-session bolt neo4j neo4j-java/dev client/ server/>

I do the same query second time. Planning is 0 which is good(because of caching I guess) and CPU 1433(better than first).
The total time still seems 7676ms.
2021-02-22 00:24:06.527+0000 INFO 7674 ms: (planning: 0, cpu: 1433, waiting: 0) - 2128042 page hits, 0 page faults - bolt-session bolt neo4j neo4j-java/dev client/ server/>

How do we measure where is the other time spent in 7674ms of total time. How to view that?

It's very likely query execution and returning the results.

Did you run a PROFILE of your query?
Also how much data is returned to the client and do you consume that in a streaming manner or do you build up the full result with an aggregation / ordering first in memory?

Thanks for reply. I am directly using cypher-shell to execute the query.

Here is the plan. How to figure out where is 8015 getting consumed.

2021-02-22 16:42:21.206+0000 INFO 8015 ms: (planning: 0, cpu: 1337, waiting: 0) - 2128042 page hits, 0 page faults - bolt-session bolt neo4j neo4j-java/dev client/ server/> neo4j -
profile ....

doesnt exactly answer your question but can you also share the cypher query itself

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