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11-05-2021 05:49 AM
Dear all,
Thanks to the brillliant request bellow, I'm able to add an ID to each nodes related to the network size where he belongs :
CALL gds.wcc.stream({
nodeProjection: "Entity",
relationshipProjection: "IRW"
YIELD nodeId, componentId
WITH componentId, collect(gds.util.asNode(nodeId).EntityID) AS libraries
WITH size(libraries) AS size, libraries
WITH size, apoc.coll.flatten(collect(libraries)) AS nodes_list
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate('
WHERE n.EntityID IN $nodes_list
', '
SET n.community_id = $community_id
', {batchSize:1000, params:{nodes_list:nodes_list, community_id:size}}) YIELD batch, operations
In this case 2 nodes from 2 differnents networks could have the same id.
I would like to keed this ID related to the network size but I would also like to another ID related to the network components (Each network will have a unique ID)
So for each nodes, I will know the network size he belongs and the networks ID he belongs too.
What should I add in this request or should I run another request that will add this ID ?
Thanks in advance !
11-07-2021 11:42 AM
Hi @1113 !
You already have an ID that works as network ID... The communityId.
CALL gds.wcc.stream({
nodeProjection: "Entity",
relationshipProjection: "IRW"
YIELD nodeId, componentId
WITH componentId, collect(nodeId) AS libraries
WITH componentId, size(libraries) AS size, libraries
UNWIND libraries as nodeId
WHERE id(n) = nodeId
SET n.community_id = componentId,
n.community_size = size
12-14-2021 08:08 AM
Sorry for the late feedback and thank you very much for your answer !
All the best !
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