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04-11-2019 09:23 AM
I'm currently trying to import a graph from Neo4j with CAPS to apply some cypher queries and write back to Neo4j. As far as I could see all examples first create a new graph to use later on.
Has someone here experience with that? May attempts didn't work so far. Therefore, it would be really helpful to have some example code to see how it works with an existing Neo4j graph.
Below is some code that I already tried.
import org.opencypher.spark.api._
import org.opencypher.okapi.api.graph._
import org.opencypher.okapi.neo4j.io.Neo4jConfig
import java.net.URI
object MultiInput {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// Create CAPS session
implicit val session: CAPSSession = CAPSSession.local() //create(spark)
// Here I needed to add the Option("pw") inorder to not have an error
val neo4jConfig = Neo4jConfig(URI.create("bolt://localhost:7687"), "neo4j", Option("blob"), false)
// Access the graphs via their qualified graph names
//val txGraph = session.catalog.graph("txGraph.graph")
//session.catalog.register(Namespace("txGraph"), GraphSources.cypher.neo4j(neo4jConfig))
session.registerSource(Namespace("txGraph"), GraphSources.cypher.neo4j(neo4jConfig))
val txGraph = session.catalog.graph("txGraph.graph")
// Test graph access
// 5) Execute Cypher query and print results
val result = txGraph.cypher(
"""|MATCH (t:Transaction)
|RETURN t.txid
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