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About the Linked Data, RDF, Ontology category

Welcome RDF / Linked Data / Ontology practitioners (or just curious people). If you're asking yourself how do any of these technologies relate/integrate with Neo4j, you're in the right place 🙂

This is your section if you have questions (basic or advanced) or want to share your experiences on the following

  • Ontologies and inferencing (OWL, RDFS, etc)
  • RDF import/export to/from Neo4j, model mapping
  • Constraint management (SHACL)
  • ..all things linked data, semantics, etc

Node Clone

Dear Jesus Barrasa,

To understand the real life scenario of applied ontology,

Example, Scenario of Data from various sources and various file formats (csv,json, xml) are ingested.

well developed xml, json has name spaces. However, csv does not have namespace. scenario like some end user exported data manually and it want to link with Ontology with a label to discover the linked data set.

In this context, the ingested csv does not have namespaces. all it has is the label associated with CSV, Neosemantics need n10s prefix and mapping. How can end user will have SPO after loading CSV data.

Neo4j document articulates, Ingest CSV data as graph can exist along with ontology. For this need namespace like @prefix neovoc: <neo4j://vocabulary#> ., @prefix neoind: <neo4j://individuals#> .

In the neosemantics documentation, it explain using @prefix neovoc: <neo4j://vocabulary#> . ,@prefix neoind: <neo4j://individuals#> . it does explain, during rdf import.

How CSV approach will help to load ontologies and other non rdf data set from various sources and link with ontology as individuals. especially, after csv ingestion, how do we map label with namespace prefix, and map prefix with labels?

Also, what are the steps needed to have URIs like this http://neo4j/vocabulary#, http://neo4j/indivduals#.

is there any methodology or task in sequence to realize full benefits of Neosemantics tool kit. Current documentation articulates. but it is not in proper order. neither it talks about trouble shoot, especially steps needed for HTTP endpoint, :Post /rdf
