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Finding Emil

Hi - just evaluating Neo4J for our company - and thought I'd try the academy training. Didn't take long to gets stuck As far as I can see Emil Eifrem didn't act in any movie. This query: MATCH (p:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie) WHERE p:Person = 'Emil...

sjoffe by Node
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Graph data modeling Testing the model error

Hi all, I was trying to do answer the questions at the end of that page and although I am pretty sure my answers are correct I am getting an " OOPS! It looks like you haven't passed the test, please try again." message. Did anyone else faced with thi...

Data Importer error

error while importing "Data Importer is no longer able to access all the required files. Please re-add missing files to the Files panel" Also not getting green tick on nodes and relationship after mapping nodes and relationship but do getting green d...

Resolved! Write and run refactor code to: Find an actor that acted in a Movie (MATCH (a:Actor)-[r:ACTED_IN]-(m:Movie)) Create (using MERGE) a Role node setting it’s name to the role in the ACTED_IN relationship. Create (using MERGE) the PLAYED relationship betw

my code which is not working MATCH (a:Actor)-[r:ACTED_IN]-(m:Movie) MERGE (x:Role {name: "r.role"}) MERGE (a)-[:PLAYED]->(x) MERGE (x)-[:IN_MOVIE]->(m) SET r.role = null

Resolved! How can I fix "No module named 'api.neo4j'"?

Hi everyone, Justin here. I’m busy with Building Neo4j Applications with Python. I'm working in Windows. When I run the tests, I get this error: "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'api.neo4j'" I've successfully installed all the modules in the req...

02_movie_list__test eror

Hello everybody! I’m completing the [Building Neo4j Applications with Python] course and I’ve just got stuck on passing the second test. I’ve compared my solution to the working one and there is no error. However, a cannot pass the test due to some c...

NodeJS Browsing Genres Mark As Complete Query

Hi Doing the backlog challenge - Browsing Genres. The test 'npm run test 09' outputs Here is the answer to the quiz question on the lesson: Which genre has the highest movie count? Copy and paste the following answer into the text box: Drama There do...

Creating a Python Driver Instance

I'm following the course Building Neo4j Applications with Python. I am stuck in creating a connection to the Neo4j server at localhost on the default port number of 7687 . When I run 'driver.verify_connectivity()' on Python, I get the 'neo4j.exceptio...