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01-05-2022 03:06 PM
I am going though cypher learning exercises.
I ran a below query and was expecting a single return row.
MATCH (p:Person)-[ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
WHERE p.name = 'Tom Hanks' and m.title = 'That Thing You Do'
RETURN m.title
│"m.title" │
│"That Thing You Do"│
│"That Thing You Do"│
wherein below query brings single movie node only
MATCH (p:Person)-[ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
WHERE p.name = 'Tom Hanks' and m.title = 'That Thing You Do'
is my expectation or understanding wrong? Can someone help me understand this behavior with some pointers?
Thanks in advance.
01-05-2022 04:10 PM
Try this:
RETURN distinct m.title
01-05-2022 06:18 PM
Thanks. That will work.
I am trying to understand the logic of at the first place why/how it brings 2 entries, wherein it should only bring 1 entry as we are matching for ACTED_IN relationship only.
01-05-2022 11:38 PM
Tom Hanks is the director of this movie and also acted in.
01-06-2022 08:20 AM
That's true, but I am matching only ACTED_IN relationship. Shouldn't this only bring one row by excluding DIRECTOR relationship? Please let me know how match and return works overall logically here, that will help clear my doubt.
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