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Is data persistent on Neo4j?

I've been using Neo4j in November but since then I had other things to do. Recently I relaunched the docker image and now all the data I had ... is gone ... Do you know A. if I can find it ? B. What could have lead to such a wipe out ? C. Is data persistent there ?

Here are my images:

PS C:\Users\me> docker images
REPOSITORY                    TAG         IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
neo4j                         latest      59f06d5b803f   2 months ago    575MB
my-app                        1.0         e42e200cfd8d   4 months ago    125MB
data-tools_etl                latest      73306695e8a2   5 months ago    607MB
mongo-express                 latest      dc564d602ca5   5 months ago    136MB
mongo                         latest      269b735e72cb   5 months ago    682MB
mysql                         5.7         09361feeb475   6 months ago    447MB
metabase/metabase             latest      79b9026b1454   7 months ago    408MB
alpine/git                    latest      b8f176fa3f0d   7 months ago    25.1MB
deeplearningai/mlepc1w1-ugl   jupyternb   bbb4b3565c40   10 months ago   2.31GB


Typically the graph persists outside the container for this very reason.
For example Introduction - Operations Manual


docker run \
    --restart always \
    --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687 \
    --volume=$HOME/neo4j/data:/data \

where by the data volume is defined to persist outside of the container