Driver for
‎06-28-2021 04:23 PM
‎06-29-2021 02:07 AM
Hi @shinspiegel,
Welcome to the Neo4j community!
There is no official (or afaik unofficial) driver for Deno.
What happens when you try to load the nodejs driver?
‎09-04-2021 05:17 PM
Hi @shinspiegel CC @abk
I ported Neo4j Driver version 4.3 to Deno earlier this year:
If you're curious the changes that were required, the diff can be seen here.
Mostly it was a matter of changing file paths/extensions in the import
statements, but there were actually some typing bugs that Deno caught which somehow weren't caught in the upstream repo, like this import of ALL
which doesn't exist in request-message
and had to be updated to FETCH_ALL
Alternatively: since Deno implements web APIs, you should also be able to just use the "browser" version of neo4j-javascript-driver as described in this thread, but it won't have the TypeScript type info. I preferred to port the driver to get full TypeScript support.
‎10-09-2021 03:42 PM
Thnx! This sounds good, will give it a try!
Would be great to have an official, always up2date Deno build directly from the neo4j team
‎10-11-2021 01:28 AM
Hi @bradenmacdonald ,
Thanks for the work that went into that port! And thanks @chris3 for the reminder about this thread 😉
I've had a chat with the driver team and Deno has come up on their future planning wall. Would you @bradenmacdonald be up for submitting a pull request with your changes?
‎10-12-2021 05:40 PM
@abk That's great to hear. Sure, I'd be happy to. Just may take me a couple of days to get to it 🙂
‎10-14-2021 02:28 AM
Fantastic. 🙂
No rush, at all. We're grateful for the contribution!
‎12-22-2021 09:03 PM
@abk Well it took me much longer than I'd hoped.... But I got some time over the holidays and have refreshed my Deno port to be based on the latest version 4.4, and I've opened four pull requests to contribute the changes: Proposal: A tool for generating a deno-optimized version of the driver by bradenmacdonald · Pull Req...
For those reading this and looking for a Deno version that can be used today, I have also posted it to at