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Forum Posts

Neo4j Live: Wardley Mapping with Neo4j - 17 January

If we detach ourselves a little from the familiar, purely visual way of working with Wardley Maps, we are presented with new avenues for evaluation. By transferring a Wardley map into a graph database, it is possible to analyse and interpret it with ...

Going Meta - Episode 12 - 16th January

Episode 12 of Going Meta - a series on graphs, semantics and knowledge Jesús Barrasa:  Repository: 16 January 2023 - 7am PST / 10am EST / 4pm GMT / 5...

Full Stack GraphQL Book Club

Fullstack GraphQL Applications with React, Node.js, and Neo4j by William Lyon now available as free eBook!Many books describe a single technology, but few show you step by step how to build an application using modern components.Full Stack GraphQL Ap...

Neo4j Live: NODES Speaker Roundtable - 8 November

Speaker Panel with guests from NODES 2022 to discuss about their upcoming sessions as well as Graphs and Neo4j in General. Guests: - Estelle Scifo Building a Neo4j/Python OGM - Sixing Huang A Graph-Based Medi...

Neo4j Live: Graph Data Art - 3 November

Dr. Kirell Benzi is a data artist, science communicator and researcher. His primary interests revolve around creating visual experiences that inspire, educate and empower large audiences using state-of-the-art technology. During this live stream he s...

Neo4j Live: Know Rivalry - 4th August

Know Your Team. Know Your Rivals. The Know Rivalry Project is a research collaboration dedicated to fans'​ perspectives. The project studies and analyses fans, history, and sports. During this session, David Tyler & Joe Cobbs will introduce the ...
