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09-05-2018 04:51 PM
At this point this should probably be a bug report but here we go, further to the discussion started in the slack channel I have created a minimum reproducing example of the issue i am experiencing
from py2neo import Graph
import random
import string
G = Graph(host='localhost', username='neo4j', password='neo4j')
# function to create random binary array
binary_array = lambda: (''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(100)])).encode('utf-8')
# fill the database with 10000 nodes
UNWIND {all_data} as data
CREATE (:Test {data:data})""", all_data=[binary_array() for _ in range(10000)])
limit = 10
# Works
match (t:Test) with t limit {limit} return t.data as data
""", limit=limit).data()
# Works
match (t:Test) with t limit {limit} return collect(t.data) as data
""", limit=limit).data()
limit = 1000
# Works
match (t:Test) with t limit {limit} return t.data as data
""", limit=limit).data()
# AttributeError: 'bytearray' object has no attribute 'tobytes'
match (t:Test) with t limit {limit} return collect(t.data) as data
""", limit=limit).data()
So basically it seems that when returning a large set of data with collect() causes some sort of weird issue. I also tried with 10000 character strings and the results were the same
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