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04-12-2019 10:56 AM
I have a graph network with relationship having properties. So i have modeled them as separate relationship type
. Normally cypher would be (u1:User)-[:HAS_ACCESS_TO {role: "readOnly"]-(e1)
and there are separate nodes that define what permissions each role has
(readOnly:Role {permissions: ['READ_A', 'READ_B']}
Now when I query to get user and their roles & permissions together, I had to design schema
something like this
type User {
id: ID!
name: String
has_access_to: [HasAccessTo]
type HasAccessTo @relation(name: "HAS_ACCESS_TO") {
from: User
to: Entity
role: String
permissions: [String]
statement: "MATCH (u:UserRole) WHERE u.name = this.role RETURN u.permissions"
This approach works when I query something like this
User(id: "u1") {
has_access_to {
Entity {
But If I have a custom query where I want to return relationships
type Query {
getUserEntities(id: String!, vendorId: Int!): [HasAccessTo]
statement: "Match (u:User {id: $id})-[rel:HAS_ACCESS_TO]-(e)-[*0..2]-(v:Vendor {id: $entityId }) return rel"
and query
getUserEntities(id: "u1" vendorId: 21989) {
I get error
"message": "Variable `hasAccessTo_relation` not defined (line 1, column 385 (offset: 384))\r\n\"WITH apoc.cypher.runFirstColumn(\"Match (u:User {id: $id})-[rel:HAS_ACCESS_TO]-(e)-[*0..2]-(v:Vendor {id: $vendorId }) return rel\", {offset:$offset, first:$first, id:$id, vendorId:$vendorId}, True) AS x UNWIND x AS `hasAccessTo` RETURN `hasAccessTo` { .role ,permissions: apoc.cypher.runFirstColumn(\"MATCH (u:UserRole) WHERE u.name = this.role RETURN u.permissions\", {this: hasAccessTo_relation}, false)} AS `hasAccessTo` SKIP $offset\"\r\n ^",
This might not be the best way so any different suggestions are welcome
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