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05-23-2019 03:09 AM
While performing below query in NEO4J getting error.
LOAD csv with headers from "file:///1Skills_data.csv" as Skills
MERGE (mis:MinorSkill {name:Skills.L3})
With Skills
MATCH (ms:MajorSkill {name:Skills.L2}),(mis:MinorSkill {name:Skills.L3})
MERGE (ms)-[r:HAS]->(mis)
RETURN ms,mis
error:- Neo.ClientError.Statement.SemanticError: Cannot merge node using null property value for name
Any suggestion please.
05-23-2019 11:10 PM
you must have problem with your csv data.could you please check the values of L3 column.
and could you please tell us what output you want after query execution ?
05-24-2019 07:04 PM
Along those lines, could you provide the first row of your CSV file?
05-24-2019 11:23 PM
With statement should follow the LOAD statement.
LOAD csv with headers from "file:///1Skills_data.csv" as Skills
With Skills
MERGE (mis:MinorSkill {name:Skills.L3})
MATCH (ms:MajorSkill {name:Skills.L2}),(mis:MinorSkill {name:Skills.L3})
MERGE (ms)-[r:HAS]->(mis)
RETURN ms,mis;
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