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Looking for an example of a repository unit test with embedded driver that works!

I've been struggling with trying to build a unit test that will test a repository that I've built in the application (which is working fine). Currently I have a single class (UserRepositoryTest) with a single test method. I also have a configuration file where I create SessionFactory with the embedded driver.

The error I'm getting is this:
Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method org/neo4j/ogm/drivers/embedded/driver/EmbeddedDriver.newTransaction(Lorg/neo4j/ogm/transaction/Transaction$Type;Ljava/lang/Iterable;)Lorg/neo4j/ogm/transaction/Transaction; is abstract
at org.neo4j.ogm.drivers.embedded.driver.EmbeddedDriver.newTransaction(
at org.neo4j.ogm.session.transaction.DefaultTransactionManager.openTransaction(
at org.neo4j.ogm.session.Neo4jSession.beginTransaction(

The test code is:

@ContextConfiguration(classes = {TestConfiguration.class})

public class UserRepositoryTest {

private UserRepository userRepository;

private SessionFactory sessionFactory;

Session session;

List<UserEntity> users = new ArrayList<UserEntity>();

public void setUp() {
    users.add(createNewUserEntity(222222, "Moti Ben-Yosef", "moti.ben-yosef", ""));
    users.add(createNewUserEntity(222223, "David Ben-Gurion", "david.ben-gurion", ""));
    users.add(createNewUserEntity(222224, "Golan Eyal", "golan.eyal", ""));
    users.add(createNewUserEntity(222225, "Moshe Haim", "moshe.haim", ""));
    users.add(createNewUserEntity(222226, "Haim Yavin", "haim.yavin", ""));

    session = sessionFactory.openSession();

    session.query("match (u:User) where u.Id >= 222222 and u.Id <= 222226 detach delete(u)", new HashMap<String, Object>() );

    for (UserEntity u : users) {;

private UserEntity createNewUserEntity(long id, String name, String username, String email) {
    UserEntity u = new UserEntity();

    return u;

 * Test of findByTitle method, of class UserRepository.
public void testFindUserById() {
    for (UserEntity u : users) {
        Optional<UserEntity> result = userRepository.findById(u.getUserId());
        Assert.assertNotNull("result = null", result);
        Assert.assertTrue("No User returned", result.isPresent());
        UserEntity user = result.get();
        Assert.assertEquals("name mismatch", u.getName(), user.getName());


The configuration code is:

@EnableNeo4jRepositories(basePackages = "")

public class TestConfiguration {
public SessionFactory sessionFactory() {
EmbeddedDriver driver = new EmbeddedDriver(graphDatabaseService());
return new SessionFactory(driver, "");

public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager() {
    return new Neo4jTransactionManager(sessionFactory());

public GraphDatabaseService graphDatabaseService() {
    return new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(new File("test_graph.db"));


Any help would be greatly appreciated!



Graph Voyager

Same here. We have a half broken example I won't waste your time with, but we're forced to outsource this one, at this time. I'll post back if there are any generalized solutions we can share.


I managed to get this stuff to work, here's my code. Hopefully this will help some lost souls out there

Test Class:

@ContextConfiguration(classes = {TestConfiguration.class})
public class UserRepositoryTest extends GraphDatabaseBuilder {

    private UserRepository userRepository;

    private SessionFactory sessionFactory;

    List<UserEntity> users = new ArrayList<UserEntity>();
    private Session session;

    public void setUp() {
        users = addUsers(userRepository);
        session = sessionFactory.openSession();

    public void tearDown() {

    public List<UserEntity> addUsers(UserRepository userRepository) {
        List<UserEntity> users = new ArrayList<>();

        users.add(createNewUserEntity(222222, "Moti Ben-Yosef", "moti.ben-yosef", "", true, true));
        users.add(createNewUserEntity(222223, "David Ben-Gurion", "david.ben-gurion", "", true, true));
        users.add(createNewUserEntity(222224, "Golan Eyal", "golan.eyal", "",false, false));
        users.add(createNewUserEntity(222225, "Moshe Haim", "moshe.haim", "", false, false));
        users.add(createNewUserEntity(222226, "Haim Yavin", "haim.yavin", "", false, true));

        for (UserEntity u : users) {

        return users;

    private UserEntity createNewUserEntity(long id, String name, String username, String email, boolean isManager, boolean active) {
        UserEntity u = new UserEntity();
        if (active) u.activate();
        if (!active) u.inActivate();

        return u;

    protected void verifyUser(UserEntity expectedUser, UserEntity returnedUser) {
        Assert.assertEquals("User id mismatch", expectedUser.getId(), returnedUser.getId());
        Assert.assertEquals("Name mismatch", expectedUser.getName(), returnedUser.getName());
        Assert.assertEquals("User name mismatch", expectedUser.getUsername(), returnedUser.getUsername());
        Assert.assertEquals("Email mismatch", expectedUser.getEmail(), returnedUser.getEmail());
        Assert.assertEquals("isManager mismatch", expectedUser.isManager(), returnedUser.isManager());

     * Test of findById method, of class UserRepository.
    @Transactional(readOnly = true)
    public void testFindUserById() {
        for (UserEntity expectedUser : users) {
  "testFindUserById: findById, id=" + expectedUser.getId());
            Optional<UserEntity> result = userRepository.findById(expectedUser.getId());
            Assert.assertNotNull("result = null", result);
            Assert.assertTrue("No User returned", result.isPresent());
            verifyUser(expectedUser, result.get());


Test Configuration Class:

@EnableNeo4jRepositories(basePackages = "")
public class TestConfiguration {
    public SessionFactory sessionFactory() {
        EmbeddedDriver driver = new EmbeddedDriver(graphDatabaseService());
        return new SessionFactory(driver, "");

    public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager() {
        return new Neo4jTransactionManager(sessionFactory());

    public GraphDatabaseService graphDatabaseService() {
        return new GraphDatabaseFactory()
                .newEmbeddedDatabaseBuilder(new File("test_graph.db"))



User Repository:

public interface UserRepository extends Neo4jRepository<UserEntity, Long> {

    @Query("match (u:User) where u.Id = {userId} return u")
    Optional<UserEntity> findById(Long userId);

For what it's worth, GraphDatabaseFactory has been renamed in Neo4j v4 to DatabaseManagementServiceBuilder. I'm trying to get it to work like this:

val mgmtService = DatabaseManagementServiceBuilder(File("test_graph.db")).build()
return mgmtService.database("default");

But I get...

org.neo4j.exceptions.DatabaseAdministrationException: Unsupported administration command: CREATE DATABASE `default`