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04-15-2022 07:30 AM
I faced an issue can someone help?
I need to programmatically create a spring bean for a Neo4jRepository. It manage a generic class only known at runtime.
This is my repository definition :
public interface GeneratorRepository<P extends MyType>
extends Neo4jRepository<P, Long>, CypherdslStatementExecutor<P>
And this is how I manage to create a bean :
DefaultListableBeanFactory springContextBeanFactory;
RootBeanDefinition beanDefinition = new RootBeanDefinition(GeneratorRepository.class);
ResolvableType.forClassWithGenerics(GeneratorRepository.class, aMyTypeClassImpl));
aMyTypeClassImpl.getSimpleName() + GeneratorRepository.class.getSimpleName(), beanDefinition);
After that, I can get the bean name with something like :
String[] name = springContextBeanFactory.getBeanNamesForType(
ResolvableType.forClassWithGenerics(GeneratorRepository.class, aMyTypeClassImpl));
And I get the name for the bean that was just created. But I get BeanCreationException when doing :
with message :
Failed to instantiate [com.my.project.generator.GeneratorRepository]: Specified class is an interface
The question is : is that possible to programmatically create a bean for an interface with generic and use it to get an Object?
Thank you for reading and for any help !
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