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Cannot fix Relationship Issue in Spring Boot with Neo4j

Node Clone

I have a problem about saving route with City in Spring Boot. I think my issue is located at CityRepository and RouteRepository.

public interface CityRepository extends Neo4jRepository<City,UUID> {

@Query("MATCH (city:City) OPTIONAL MATCH (city)-[r:ROUTES]->(route:Route) RETURN city, collect(r), collect(route)")
List<City> listAll();

@Query("MATCH (city:City {id: $cityId}) OPTIONAL MATCH (city)-[r:ROUTES]->(route:Route) RETURN city, collect(r), collect(route)")
City getById(UUID cityId);

@Query("MATCH (city:City {name: $cityName}) RETURN city")
City getByCityName(String cityName);

@Query("CREATE (city:City {id: randomUUID(), name: $cityName}) RETURN city")
City saveCity(String cityName);

@Query("MATCH (city:City {id: $cityId}) SET = $cityName RETURN city")
City updateCity(UUID cityId, String cityName);

@Query("MATCH (city:City {id: $cityId}) DELETE city")
void deleteCity(UUID cityId);


public interface RouteRepository extends Neo4jRepository<Route,UUID> {

@Query("MATCH (city:City {id: $cityId})-[:ROUTES]->(route:Route) RETURN route")
List<Route> listAllByCityId(UUID cityId);

@Query("MATCH (route:Route {id: $routeId}) RETURN route")
Route getById(UUID routeId);

@Query("CREATE (city:City {id: $cityId})-[:ROUTES]->(route:Route {id: randomUUID(), from: $from, destination: $destination, departureTime: $departureTime," +
"arriveTime: $arriveTime, duration: $duration}) " +
"RETURN route")
Route saveRoute(UUID cityId, String from, String destination, String departureTime,
String arriveTime, double duration);

@Query("MATCH (city:City {id: $cityId})-[:ROUTES]->(route:Route {id: $routeId}) " +
"SET route.from = $from, route.destination = $destination,route.departureTime = $departureTime," +
"route.arriveTime = $arriveTime, route.duration = $duration RETURN route")
Route updateRoute(UUID cityId, UUID routeId, String from, String destination,String departureTime,
String arriveTime,double duration);

@Query("MATCH (city:City {id: $cityId})-[r:ROUTES]->(route:Route {id: $routeId}) DELETE r, route")
void deleteRoute(UUID cityId, UUID routeId);

After calling saveRoute of RouteRepository and listAll of CityRepository , I get this result shown below.

        "routes": []
        "routes": [

Here is my stackoverflow question : Question Link 

Here is my github repository : Project Link 



Here is my solution

@Query("MATCH (city:City {id: $cityId}) " +
"MERGE (city)-[:ROUTES]->(route:Route {id: randomUUID(), from: $from, destination: $destination, " +
"departureTime: $departureTime," +
"arriveTime: $arriveTime, duration: $duration}) " +
"RETURN route")
Route saveRoute(UUID cityId, String from, String destination, String departureTime,
String arriveTime, double duration);

How can I write this query without writing its custom query?


View solution in original post

Hi @sngermiyanoglu ,


Adding a constructor for Route like 

public Route(String from, String destination, String departureTime, String arriveTime, Double duration) { = UUID.randomUUID();
        this.from = from;
        this.destination = destination;
        this.departureTime = departureTime;
        this.arriveTime = arriveTime;
        this.duration = duration;

Inside of RouteServiceImpl you can:

1. Add a: 

private final CityRepository cityRepository;

2. Change save into:

public Route save(UUID cityId, RouteDTO routeDTO) {

String from = routeDTO.getFrom();
String destination = routeDTO.getDestination();
String departureTime = routeDTO.getDepartureTime();
String arriveTime = routeDTO.getArriveTime();
double duration = routeDTO.getDuration();
City city = cityRepository.getById(cityId);

Route route = new Route(from,destination,departureTime, arriveTime,duration);
return route;

So you are executing the save without even creating any custom queries. 

Oh, y’all wanted a twist, ey?

View solution in original post


Hi @sngermiyanoglu 

You should probably MERGE instead of CREATE, shouldn't you?

Oh, y’all wanted a twist, ey?

I just tried it but it didn't help me solve my issue.

Is it possible to look through my City Repository and RouteRepository?

What did you try? Can you share your new MERGE statements?

saveCity should look like:

@Query("MERGE(city:City {name: $cityName} ON CREATE SET = randomUUID(),) RETURN city")
City saveCity(String cityName);

 What about your 



Oh, y’all wanted a twist, ey?

I think there is no issue in CityRepository. After calling a saveCity method of CityRepository, the city is saved as a new entity as I have to use CREATE. After that, I call a saveRoute method of RouteRepository, the route is saved. When I call a listAll method of CityRepository, I get this result shown in my post. 

It's important to properly MERGE on the name. Have you call the *saveCity* several times with the same name?

About *saveRoute*, have you check how does your DB looks after this call? Is the route created in the right place? Your save route should look like


@Query("MATCH (city:City {id: $cityId}) WITH city CREATE(city)-[:ROUTES]->(route:Route {id: randomUUID(), from: $from, destination: $destination, departureTime: $departureTime," +
"arriveTime: $arriveTime, duration: $duration}) " +
"RETURN route")
Route saveRoute(UUID cityId, String from, String destination, String departureTime,
String arriveTime, double duration);

 PS: It's up to your implementation, but you can easily do all of this without customQueries. Give it a try!

Oh, y’all wanted a twist, ey?

Here is my solution

@Query("MATCH (city:City {id: $cityId}) " +
"MERGE (city)-[:ROUTES]->(route:Route {id: randomUUID(), from: $from, destination: $destination, " +
"departureTime: $departureTime," +
"arriveTime: $arriveTime, duration: $duration}) " +
"RETURN route")
Route saveRoute(UUID cityId, String from, String destination, String departureTime,
String arriveTime, double duration);

How can I write this query without writing its custom query?


I checked other custom queries and I think all these work properly.

Is it possible to check it again?

I maybe ignore something else.

Please let me know.

Hi @sngermiyanoglu ,


Adding a constructor for Route like 

public Route(String from, String destination, String departureTime, String arriveTime, Double duration) { = UUID.randomUUID();
        this.from = from;
        this.destination = destination;
        this.departureTime = departureTime;
        this.arriveTime = arriveTime;
        this.duration = duration;

Inside of RouteServiceImpl you can:

1. Add a: 

private final CityRepository cityRepository;

2. Change save into:

public Route save(UUID cityId, RouteDTO routeDTO) {

String from = routeDTO.getFrom();
String destination = routeDTO.getDestination();
String departureTime = routeDTO.getDepartureTime();
String arriveTime = routeDTO.getArriveTime();
double duration = routeDTO.getDuration();
City city = cityRepository.getById(cityId);

Route route = new Route(from,destination,departureTime, arriveTime,duration);
return route;

So you are executing the save without even creating any custom queries. 

Oh, y’all wanted a twist, ey?

Thank you for your response.

What about my another issue? I cannot fix it?

Here is the link : Question Link