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C++ Driver Question

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Does the C++ (c) Neo4j driver (GitHub - cleishm/libneo4j-client: neo4j-client -- Neo4j Command Line Interface (CLI)) referred to by the Neo4j Web Page (Neo4j Community Driver for C Developers - Developer Guides) support Neo4j 5.x? It looks like this service has not been updated in quite a while. Anyone playing with this stuff?



Hi rlukas. We have not heard from the author in regards to this community driver, and looking at the updates and their age I think it is safe to assume that this driver does not support 5.x

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I understand, that's what I thought. Just has to check my sanity on this issue. We are not, for several reasons, able to deploy our work in a browser environment so, I am thinking the next best alternative is to build this new feature in Java and then use the JNI (Java Native Interface) to connect C++ to my Java mechanism. Is there a better mechanism? 

I've reached out to some of the team who are more familiar with the Java ecosystem. JNI comes with certain performance penalties so generally it could be a bad idea unless you have enough logic to overcome the overhead. It might be worth investigating more modern APIS under the JSR umbrella, "Foreign Function and Memory API" are available in preview in recent JDKs.

Another option could be to investigate using the .Net driver with C# interop wrapping calls into it. 

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Wow.. Excellent.. Thanks Man.. I will dig into these things.. That Andy!