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Unable to order T-shirt

I have just passed the Neo4j Certification Exam. But I am unable to order my t-shirt. At first, I got an error message stating that the service is unavailable and then it is showing that we are unable to verify you. How can I get my T-shirt?


Some years ago I had to write them on their twitter channel, and after quite a while (months) I manged to get a tshirt..

Thank you for replying 🙂


Welcome to the Neo4j Community and congratulations on becoming certified!

Your t-shirt order is in our system.


Could you please tell me when will I receive that ?

Similar event happens with me too.
I have written an email to

I have done that too. But didn't receive any response!

@vishalsvisual , your t-shirt has shipped.


How can I track them,
What is the color .?
At which address?

Please send an email to me so I can send you the tracking info.

Same situation here, Can´t order due to internal server error, is there a workaround?

Hello Eduardo,

Welcome to the Neo4j Community.

I see in our system that you used Github credentials to take the certification exam.

You must use the same Github credentials to order the t-shirt.


Hi Elaine,

I am Neo4j Graph Data Science Certified.

I am trying to claim the T-shirt as mentioned in your website. But it says, it is unable to verify me although I am using the same email id.

Email id used for certification:

Can you please have a look and help me with claiming the T-shirt?


Hello Ishwarya,

Congratulations on becoming certified in Neo4j Graph Data Science!

The t-shirt is for folks who passed the Neo4j Certified Professional exam.

I see that you did pass the Neo4j Certified Professional exam. That certificate is associated with your gmail email (not google auth).


I am also facing a similar issue. I have recently completed the Neo4j Certification Exam, but when I submit the form for claiming the T-shirt, I get an error saying Could not validate your address. 

How can I work through this? Thanks for the help!


Hello Elaine,

My name is Mohan Ganesan, and I recently passed the Neo4j Certified Professional exam and ran into some errors when trying to fill out the t-shirt order form. When trying to fill out the form, I ran into the following error: 

"Your order request has failed because we could not verify that you met the requirements. You must be a certified professional and not submitted an order before. If you feel like this is incorrect please contact"

Could you please verify if my t-shirt form went through in the application list? 

My badge verification can be found at the following link:

My account is through "log in with google" and my email address is

Please let me know if you would require any further details from my side for verification.


Hi, Im having this issue too:

Your order request has failed because we could not verify that you met the requirements. You must be a certified professional and not submitted an order before. If you feel like this is incorrect please contact

My email is

Can you please check, thank you.

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